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Cloud Native Solutions

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Client 2

IBM Engage Support

IBM’s global portal for clients and business partners to engage sales support


Full stack development, implementation and designing of search capabilities for customer records, shipping, billing, installation addresses


Front end: Javascript, Marionette, KendoUI, HTML, CSS


Back end:  Java SpringBoot, NodeJS, RESTful APIs, Swagger

Client 3

Watson Doomsday

Watson Doomsday is a promotional game for IBM Branding used to attract candidates



 Architecture, design and full stack development


Front end:  Angular 7,  HTML 5,  CSS 4,  Angular Material Design, Flex Layout, Javascript Web Audio/Video APIs


Back end: NodeJS, IBM Watson Image Recognition, IBM Watson Speech Recognition, RESTful APIs

Client 5


Swifty is a kanban board like ticketing tool developed for IBM internal sales support teams


Architecture, design, full stack development, technical team lead, DevOps


Front end:  Angular 6, HTML5, SASS, Google Material Design, Server Push


Back end: NodeJS,  Cloudant NoSQL,, Swagger

Client 2


ARRC is web app developed for IBM Asia/Pacific sales support teams to automate physical hardware installation calls at customer’s sites. It integrates and automates several IBM’s technologies both cloud and on-premise

Architecture,  design,  full stack development and technical team lead


 Front end: Angular 6,  HTML5,  Angular Material Design

Back End: NodeJS, Java Spring Boot,  IBM DashDB (SQL), Docker

Client 3


Dice is a web app for IBM internal sales support teams used to quickly create configuration of IBM hardware for customers as well as microservice for IBM’s strategic tools such as iERP SAP, EngageSupport



Architecture, design, full stack development, technical team lead


Front end:  Angular 7,  HTML5,  SASS,  Google Material Design

Back end: NodeJS, Cloudant NoSQL, RESTful APIs, Swagger, Docker

Client 5

IBM Entitled Systems Support Mobile

This app was created as a mobile extension to the IBM ESS website. It allows customers to browse, interact with and manage their Power Systems servers in a convenient and seamless way. It provides a mobile experience to SW licenses, SW keys, Update Access Keys, SWMA and hardware information for Power Systems servers running AIX, IBM i and Linux operating systems.  Available on iOS,  Android and as Progressive Web App

Architecture, design, full stack development, technical team lead, DevOps


Front end:  Ionic 4 hybrid app with Capacitor, Google Firebase Cloud Messaging, Cloudant Push, OpenID Connect authentication with biometric capabilities, Material Design, Virtual Scroll, Akita Redux-like State management with reactive RxJS approach

Back end: Microservices architecture composed of containerized NodeJS  lean servers, orchestrated by Kubernetes, Cloudant NoSQL DB, IBM Hybrid Cloud


A list of most recent projects

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